‘Performers Guidelines’



Ellis Pike and all performers who are booked through Here be Dragons realise that their job as ‘Living History’ performers is to entertain as well as inform. To achieve this we follow these guidelines:

i) All actors, musicians and entertainers who work with Here be Dragons are professionals experienced at working in ‘first person’ with members of the public.
ii) They are trained in “historical interpretation” and carry out detailed research into the historic and social background of the Characters they portray.
iii) To maintain the illusion of stepping back in time they always stay in character when before the public.
iv) Costume, language, props and attitudes are researched and recreated as closely as is practicable.

v) In order to entertain and inform the public the performance is tempered according to the requirements of the customer, the venue and the occasion.

Here be Dragons is not an agency, it is a loose collective of experts in the field of historical performance. Through his many years working in this field Ellis has developed contacts with many individuals and groups who share his passion and philosophy for authentic historical performance and whose services he is happy to recommend to his clients.

Ellis Charles Pike

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Regency ladies